I have been so out of the blog loop that it's crazy! We have been participating in the
Flats and Handwashing Challenge where over 400 men and women are using only flat diapers and diaper covers on their little one(s). This is to bring awareness that cloth diapers are inexpensive and healthy for your children.
During this challenge I have handwashed ALL of my 3 kids diapers. Yes, you heard me 3. We have had our ups (clean poopy diapers) and downs ("What did you eat?" diapers) but looking back I would not change a thing. This challenge has brought me back to why I decided to cloth diaper, to spend more time with my kids while saving money. I love the fact that I am doing this because I spend more time with them.

At first I was doing this to watch for when they are pooping but now it's like...cherishing the moments I have with them. Instead of thinking "Oh, I can't wait for them to potty learn." I'm thinking "They are growing up and one day they will be independent and not need mommy to change them." To me that is an eye opener. They grow up so fast and I want to enjoy every moment of it. So with every load I wash from now on will be one less load I have to do until it becomes just a memory. No more matching covers to outfits or stalking cloth diaper swaps and stores for the latest print. Wow, I'm tearing up right now. For the twins this is a chapter that is about to close but for my infant we still have time. Do me a favor y'all let's finish this challenge with memories in our hearts and blisters on our hands.
Awww that's so sweet and it makes me want to cry! I keep thinking of how nice it is that my son is mostly out of diapers...but I don't think about how OLD he's getting!