Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Took a break....now I'm back!

Ok, so the past couple of weeks have been a little hectic and let's just say I'm diving head first into this instead of pinky toe first.... I've been working on a schedule on when I will post and so on. So far I have been working on potty training (EPIC FAIL), organizing the house (SUCCESS), exercising, and catching up on a few things. I have been uploading a few videos to my YouTube channel!! I figured out how to quickly upload them with Windows Movie Maker. Anyway, stay tuned.....

Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King....

 Today marks a holiday that most students look forward to for an extra day off but do we really take the time to what it cost to get this holiday. So many people have died for us to have the freedom that we take for granted each day. Dr. Martin Luther King was one of the few pioneers in the civil rights movement to break through the strongholds of what was thought to be modern day thinking in the south years ago. I am very thankful for those who have gone before us so that we can sit in a restaurant with our spouse of another color and not have our children harassed because they don't "match". You see this also marks another milestone in my life because last year to the day my son took his first steps. Now as I type he is running through out the house and terrorizing his siblings :). I look at my family and I thank God so much for what he has done. You see, my husband is white and I am black. We have a set of twins that well....one is white and one is black. Ever since they were born I was afraid that they would be treated differently because of the "color of their skin". Yet their character speaks louder than the pigmentation that is their mirror reflection. I love them! I love the way they look at each other as brother and sister and nothing else. As adults can we do the same?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

 So my journey begins.... I started a YouTube channel at first to document my natural hair journey, then I started to branch out to different areas. From natural hair to cloth diapering to twins to you name it. This is just a way for me to be creative and share my experiences with others. There will be ups and downs but I know that this is something that will be rewarding. So there you have it. My first blog post! Vlogging and blogging and randomness!! Gotta love it. More videos to come!

 BTW....The thumbnail that I ended up with for the video looks like my daughter is taller than me...lol